About Me

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I like to think of myself as the 'crazy mom of four'. I'm 31 years old and I love my life, my kids, my husband and my God. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Eliot

Monday, May 24, 2010

Paring down

So, my Google reader is feeling overwhelmed right now. Yes, that's right. My Google reader FEELS things. :-)

I'm trying to pare it down and make it more manageable. If you follow my blog and I am NOT currently following you, or you lose a follower and find out that it is me, please let me know so that I can add it back. Seriously. Let me know. I'll be sifting through blogs I follow today so don't panic if I disappear...just comment here or send me an email and let me know I disappeared.

Also, does anyone know how Google Friend works in conjunction with Google Reader? It seems that lately I have added blogs to follow via Google Friend but they aren't showing up in my Google Reader. And sometimes it seems I add them and then they DO show up in my Google reader. If I unsubscribed to a blog in blogger, will it disappear from my Google reader? Will it remove me from Google Friend Connect? Does anyone know?

I'm OBVIOUSLY not motivated to work today. Well, that's not true. I have been working...but feel this need for more mental breaks than I normally need. I've received a few comments about different things lately and wanted to share a little bit about my obsession with T.V. My husband and I love to watch 'our shows'. We have a long, LONG list on www.hulu.com. It's quite embarrassing actually, the amount of time we spend watching T.V. together, but at the same time, we really enjoy it. It's a way to connect for us. Are we alone in that?

Shows I HAVE to watch in order of importance (LOST and 24 got removed since they are ending):

Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
The Office
The Biggest Loser

Shows I keep up with but could do without if forced:

Modern Family
30 Rock
Friday Night Lights
Flash Forward
Parks and Recreation

Summer shows I enjoy:

Lie to Me
Royal Pains

So which of those shows do you watch? Chances are you watch one or more of those, seeing as how my husband and I watch A LOT of T.V.

Now that I've admitted to the obscene amount of T.V. I watch, let me just tell you about a guilty pleasure of mine. I like reality T.V. Kris doesn't. Not really. So, if I want to watch reality T.V. I have to do it when he is working. That being said, last year I picked up The Bachelor about halfway through, primarily because it came on Hulu, and so it was easy to put in the queue and watch when I got around to it. I'm always looking for shows that I can watch when Kris isn't around. If only The Food Network shows like Ace of Cakes came on Hulu!!

Like most of the reality T.V. world, I fell in love with Allie. Not in the weird, creepy way either. I was SO sad to see her go. I had no intention really of watching The Bachelor or The Bachelorette beyond that one season. But when I found out Allie was going to be the next Bachelorette, I secretly jumped for joy! So, while it shames me slightly to admit it, I am going to do it anyway. I'm moderately excited about the beginning to the new season of The Bachelorette tonight!

What is YOUR guilty pleasure T.V. show?


  1. Hey! I just saw your post about my Monday button. Thanks for thinking its cute:) I'm just improvising but still totally stand by any buttons you want ot make I would love:)

    And my husband and I too are HUGE tv goers! My favorites are Fringe, 24 (sad its ending and especially sad with the way they seem to be ending it), Lost (but was kinda ready for it to end), The Vampire Diaries (after Twilight I had to get my vampire fix somewhere!), Celebrity Apprentice (but it ended too:(), and American Idol.
    Crap, all my favorite shows are ending for good or for the season...I'd better find something new to watch!

  2. The Bachelor / Bachelorette is my guilty pleasure too... though I must admit it's in a more snarky "are you kidding me?" kind of way. I'm going to start writing a recap blog on Tuesdays of the past night's episode. We'll see how that goes... :-)

  3. Oh, almost forgot, I'm grabbing your button:)

  4. Deana, I've got a Friday button almost completed...I was almost satisfied with it last night but then had to go to bed. I'll try to email at least that one to you tonight.

    Oh I forgot to add that I ADORE The Sing Off and am SO glad it's coming back for a Season 2.

  5. Oh, I can't wait to meet you! We have so many of the same shows! My husband and I have way too many shows we DVR.

    You ready?

    How I Met Your Mother
    The Big Bang Theory
    The Good Wife
    Lost (you knew that!)
    30 Rock
    The Office
    The Mentalist
    Royal Pains
    Modern Family
    True Blood

    I know I'm missing some.

    Oh, and my guilty pleasure reality shows are Tori and Dean and The Millionaire Matchmaker.

  6. Our friendship was meant to be Sippy Cup mom!!! I forgot to put on there that we watch The Mentalist too. Some of those shows you mentioned I haven't heard of or seen.

  7. I love Chuck!!! And the Office, and the bachelor!!! But Booo to Allie!!! lol!!! Ever since I saw her being the "mean" girl I did not like her after that. But I will still watch her:O)My hubbs and I also watch a lot of tv:O)

  8. You're killing me here Braley Mama! ;-)

  9. Glee, The Office and Flash Forward...I hate that Flash Forward is ending too! I was really getting in to it. Hubs and I are more movie watchers than TV but those are our can't miss shows.

    I left you something on my blog btw...

  10. Yeah they are doing what they are calling "D-Day"-the day they catch up to the FF's- this Thursday it's the season/series finale. I was so disappointed...it's a good show w/o any stupid characters or naked people running around, I guess that's why it's getting the shaft.

  11. @Robyn...you're probably right...it probably didn't have enough nudity! So sad...

  12. You mean I can only have ONE guilty pleasure TV show?

    That'd be One Tree Hill--completely ridiculous, indulgent, mind-numbing entertainment.

    As for quality shows I MUST watch, here goes:

    American Idol
    Burn Notice
    Lie to Me

    Oddly enough, this list is majorly pared down from just a couple of years ago.
