Before I forget, check out my Willpower Wednesday! Cinnamon Bun Muffins and Creamy Cream Cheese Frosting = YUM!
It's no secret that I love my feet. I think (and have been told on numerous occasions) that I have cute feet. And of the handful of features people seem to think are 'good' about me, I will agree on my feet. Don't judge me...I have a lot of self-esteem issues to work through still-one body part at a time! Those of you aware of my 'issues', you'll be glad to know that I now have 2 physical features I can tolerate, even (dare I say it!) like. My feet are one (or two) of them. One I cannot mention here and don't go around bragging about. My hair (is that a part really though?) used to be one until baby #4. Hopefully with my no shampoo experiment it will become a favorite again.
That being said, I used to get pedicures all the time. OK, not all the time. Don't you love the way I just lie to you sometimes? Let me back up and say that I used to get pedicures regularly. Yes, that is much more truthful. For a while, especially during flip flop season (and we all know flip flop season is pretty much all year round unless there is snow on the ground), I loved nothing more than to have my beautiful feet pampered. After all, it was much cheaper than a Swedish massage and easier for me to sneak into the budget more affordable. One of my favorite things in the world is having my feet massaged. My feet and my head. I know that some people can't stand to have other people look at, let alone touch their feet, but again...I have cute feet. So I'm OK with it. :-)
For Mother's Day, I was going to treat my mother-in-law to a pedicure. Cindy, please understand I love you and would have done this anyway...but my toes were in need of some serious attention and so I suggested to our wonderful Kris that it would be a great Mother's Day gift for YOU. ;-) I just happened to benefit from it as well.
Well, Cindy and I got so carried away between free Hydro-massages and our trip to Victoria's Secret to look at overpriced bras and panties (which we both walked away with) that by the time we went to get pedicures, all the places we checked were closed. I hadn't thought that one through very well. Next time I'll remember that EVERYTHING closes early on Sunday, especially on holidays! And my dear husband, as your mom told you tonight, there WILL be a next time. Yeah yeah yeah...I know...I'd better get a Pampered Chef show on the calendar!
Forgoing the pedicure was NEVER an option. That would be absurd! We just took a rain check. Fast forward to tonight. We got the promised pedicures. Believe it or not, this was the first time my mother-in-law had experienced a pedicure. Can you believe that? I think she is now 'hooked'! I'm pretty sure she offered to pay for next month's, right Cindy?
And now that I have this blog most of my followers follow because they want me to follow them back ever-so-popular (to me and a few friends & family) blog, I want to take pictures all the time, so of course, I snapped a couple of pictures of our lovely toes! Feet haters, close your eyes. It'll be over soon. Oh and in case I offended anyone with my strike-through comment above...those of you who read this blog because you love me, I adore you and appreciate every single one of you. I truly do! Even if we've never met! Tylaine, Braley Mama...I'm talking to you, among others! It means the world to me. The rest of you, (those I was referring to who may never click on my link again) well, you aren't reading this anyway now, are you?
I have a little challenge for you. If you get the answer right, you'll get 100 points. Maybe some day you can rack up Bishop Bucks to redeem for cool things. You know, like Swag Bucks. Or not. My points are like those points when there is a cat in the road (sounded more humane than person) and someone says "5 points if you hit it!" No one ever takes that challenge, thus those points (that are really worth nothing anyway) never actually get awarded. So, for is the question. First person to get it right wins absolutely NOTHING!

Off topic, if someone were to forbid me from using parentheses, I think I may have to go postal and kill someone. It's so unnatural for me not to use parentheses (anywhere I'd like!).
My poor baby (Olivia) is having a rough time this week. Between her stupid allergy (soy bean-see I wrote it like that just so I could use parentheses again, in case you didn't realize how often I use parentheses) and her asthma, the can't-decide-if-it-wants-to-be-hot-or-cold-or-humid-or-rainy-just-to-annoy-me ever-changing weather has not been kind to her. She has that same old telling cough. The one that signifies an asthma attack is fast approaching. We started treating her with Albuterol and Orapred two days ago, throwing a little Benadryl in there too, for good measure, unsure of what kind of soy bean exposure she's had over the last week. It's so hard to keep her from everything with soy in it and who knows if she's allergic to something else on top of it! It's pretty funny when your four year old LOVES Whole Foods and always asks you to get her food from there! Here are a couple of shots I got tonight while doing a much needed rescue treatment. We never know, when she gets like this, if we will wind up in the ER. We're praying that we can keep it under control here at home though.
Poor baby!! So glad you got a pedi(I got one on mama's day too)HUGS!