Earlier this week I read about a promotion going on where mothers could get a free HydroMassage. I had never heard of this before so being a good Google addict, I "Googled" it! Sounded like a cool concept and I like free.
I have NEVER had a 'real' massage before. NEVER.EVER. Even though I have wanted one. For about 10 years. Since my neck has gotten so bad due to 2 degenerated discs, I have gone from WANTING a massage to NEEDING a massage. When I saw "FREE", I didn't care if it was only going to be 10-15 minutes and if a REAL person wasn't giving it to me. FREE IS FREE right?
I printed a coupon for myself and my mother-in-law and off we went today. Well, back up...I called the closest location to me to make sure that they were participating in the offer. The location I went to wasn't necessarily honoring the coupons through the 15th. It is up to each individual location how long they want to offer it, and even if they want to participate.
In my area, MassageLuxe in Brentwood, MO is participating in the Mother's Day free HydroMassage. It was WONDERFUL!!! You can control the intensity and speed, as well as what areas it massages. It is 90 degree water that shoots up (probably not the official term) underneath and provides a very relaxing, low-medium intensity massage. You can remain completely clothed as well and you are in a room all by yourself. It was a really great experience.
I was so impressed and so in need of a massage that when I heard about the great promotion they are running right now, I committed almost all of my monthly spending money to join. For $48.88/month (w/o membership it's $74) not only do I get one 60-min Swedish/Deep Tissue massage/month; I will also get UNLIMITED access to the HydroMassage. I can literally go EVERY DAY for 15 minutes for a little neck relief!!! THIS was really the selling point for me. There are days that my neck is so bad I am just dying for even a few minutes of relief. And this particular location is on my way home from work. But if I am out in a different area, I can actually use the HydroMassage at any of the FOUR St. Louis area locations!
To top it all off, I get my first massage for FREE!!! It's scheduled for Thursday night. Having never had one of these before, I am really, REALLY excited. I can't wait to experience it, and then write about it. After my HydroMassage today, I told the employees that I was definitely going to write about this on my blog! They liked this and said that if I was serious, while they were only offering the free HydroMassage today, they would extend it to tomorrow if anyone goes to THEIR location tonight or tomorrow and mentions MY NAME and/or MY BLOG!!! HOW COOL IS THAT??
SO...here it is. If you are in the Saint Louis area and have a chance, go to MassageLuxe tonight (before 8pm-HURRY) or tomorrow between 8am-10pm. You have to go to the one in Brentwood. The address is 1409 South Hanley Rd. You may want to call ahead and mention my name and make sure that it is OK for men or non-mothers to benefit from this special. It was originally for mothers but my understanding from talking to them is that it will apply to anyone who reads my blog. If you want to call, the number is 314-594-5893.
ALSO...if you are in the area and want a great deal on a one hour massage, please contact me. I have coupons for a $38 massage for all new customers. You DO NOT have to become a member to benefit from this $38 massage. There are no strings attached. You just have to get the coupon from me that has my name on it. I believe in this so much and I haven't even gone for my one hour massage yet. Having looked into prices lately, and knowing my chiropractor's office charges $60 for a one hour massage, this is a great deal! Can't wait to share my experience with you.
By the way, I had a great, relaxing Mother's Day. We're finishing it off by catching up on LOST with my mother-in-law. After getting home, we're going to catch up on my favorites: GLEE (duh!) and Chuck.
Let me know if you are interested in one of the massage coupons for $38!
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