About Me

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I like to think of myself as the 'crazy mom of four'. I'm 31 years old and I love my life, my kids, my husband and my God. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim Eliot

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My Dirty Hair Days - Update #4

This will be my fourth and final update on my experiment using baking soda & water to wash my hair, instead of shampoo. For all the old updates and the original reason for starting the experiment, go here.

This picture is to show you that for the most part, the fly-aways or frizzy parts that used to stick up all the time are at the very least a little tamer. When the humidity is bad, I think I will forever be cursed with that. But overall, there is a decrease in it. I am not sure if it is because my hair is healthier or what, but I'm telling myself that is the reason!

Overall, I have loved this experience. If I could give one tip to anyone else trying this, don't be afraid to use MORE baking soda. When I don't use the right amount, my hair feels very heavy and greasy at the back of my head. When I use the right amount, my hair feels clean and light and wonderful.

So how do I look at my 6 week experiment? About the same. But I've saved money, my hair is healthier and I feel good about what I am doing. So I am going to continue using baking soda and water and will not go back to shampoo again.

1 comment:

  1. I'm someone who just found out about this way of cleaning the hair (I use store shampoo at the moment) and I'm going to try this after seeing your beautiful hair results. Your pics assure me that the hair will not be a super-heavy greaseball. :) Thanks for the inspiration.
