Reflections on this past week
1. I have LOVED participating in the UBP 2010.
My only complaint? I had to work all week and couldn't just sit around reading 24/7, which I totally would have done! I had already mentioned two of my new favorite blogs earlier in the week, but they are worthy of re-mentioning. I'm pretty sure I just made that word up. Here are three of my newest favorites:

2. I need a cool button like those listed above.
Who's going to share with me how to make one of those? Can I make my own or am I going to have to pay beg someone to do it for me? Maybe I should just have my husband figure it out for me. He's so much more nerdy tech-savvy than I am.
3. My neck is NEVER going to stop hurting.
I need House to diagnose what is really wrong with it since my old doctor, a new neurologist, a physical therapist and a chiropractor can't seem to figure it out. We're going on a year and a half now...some days are better than others, but no day is good. No day is pain-free. I've adjusted my posture, added a keyboard tray, got a new bed and pillows, and I stretch, stretch, stretch...all to no avail.
4. Giving up one girl for another boy makes for an interesting evening.
Katherine has gone to spend the night with Grandma. Tomorrow is the spring carnival at their school and Kat was going to help her make posters and signs. Last minute my friend called and asked if her son could come over for a few hours so that she could go to a school function for the parents. So, as if I wasn't crazy enough, I said "Why don't you just let him spend the night with Kaleb?" Now we have 2 girls and 2 boys. It's an interesting dynamic. And LOUD (it isn't)! Really though, it's not too bad. Tyler is a good, (a.k.a QUIET) kid and Kaleb doesn't get to play with other boys very often. It's a good opportunity for both of them; Kaleb since he is usually surrounded by girls and Tyler because he is an only child (with the exception of a much older brother who is grown and out of the house). So I guess technically he isn't an only child, but he doesn't have any other younger siblings in the house.
5. Family movie night will go smoother once Olivia is older.
My older kids are at an age where the Disney cartoons just aren't interesting enough. They want to watch the 'real' movies. OK, I say "they". It's really just Katherine and Kaleb. Abbey will watch whatever is on. But Olivia is just too young still to tolerate 'real' movies. We usually let her go play on the computer so the rest of us can watch the movie without her incessant chattering. But that just really seems to detract from the idea of FAMILY movie night. I know in a couple of years it will be better...if I could just find a way to stitch Livvy's lips shut on Friday nights we'd be set!
6. Working out should be done on a consistent, regular basis.
We went almost two weeks without going to the YMCA. We finally went back Thursday night. The elliptical is still an enemy. I managed 10 minutes at a 3 resistance (hey don't laugh-I usually keep it at 1!) before I had to switch over to the bike. I really wish that I could tolerate the elliptical for longer. Some days, after we have actually been going consistently, I can make it to 15 minutes. I'd LOVE to get to a point where I can go for 30 minutes straight on the ellilptical without my willpower knee giving out.
7. I have NO idea what "meme" is.
I've seen this on a number of blogs and have been too lazy to look it up. Seriously people...does that stand for something?"
8. Summer = shaving = sad Jamie
I hate shaving. Why do we have to have two legs and why do they have to be so long? And why I silently tolerate the arm pit shaving, only because it takes just seconds. But the legs? It's like shaving 1000 arm pits and I have very little patience for that (or pretty much anything else). And yet I still do it...because I love my husband and I know he appreciates it. Though for some reason...he doesn't seem to return the favor with his face. Honey I know you'll read this eventually, so now that I have sold you out...I will tell my readers that you have made great effort this last week to shave on a regular basis and I really appreciate it! And just to give you a heads up, I think I'm going to base my shaving schedule off of yours. You shave, I shave. ;-)
9. I earned a really cute pink and black apron!!
And I'm going to make about $140, for doing very little actually! Being the shy hater of public speaking that I was in high school and college, I never thought I would fall in love with entertaining people and cooking for them!! But I did. And I'm in my element doing it...and though this is difficult for me to admit (because of the whole low self-esteem thing), I've come to realize and accept that I'm actually very good at it. I know I am being extremely vague here, so for those of you who don't really know what I am talking about, if you really want to know, leave your email in the comments and I will send you a message. There are strict advertising rules and so I don't want to do anything that would go against policy here.
10. I think that my knee is FINALLY getting better.
I have noticed this week that my knee hasn't ached as much as it has in past weeks. I'm 3 1/2 months post-surgery, so according to the statistics, it SHOULD be back to full strength by now. However, I think it is really hanging on right around 75%. I don't know if the break from working out helped it (that doesn't seem likely) or if it is just finally healing. I'm hoping that it is finally on the mend and I will soon be able to walk, sit and stand without pain. At least in my knee. Because I know that the aforementioned (look at me using a big word!) neck pain isn't going anywhere! Too bad you can't get 14 letters in Scrabble...I'll bet that word would score well...
What about you?
How did your week go? Anything interesting, frustrating or funny happen? As you can see, my week was extremely boring. Just another day in the life of The Bishops!
I am having fun getting to know you! A MeMe is one of those blog carnivals...usually topic I do one called Friday Fave Five... you link up from the blog that starts the post on your blog your answer or whatever... and then others come visit and comment...basically like UBP with the Linky thingee! Okay that doesn't make sense! Good luck on the boob thing... I have 3 girls and each went thru best advice try to ignore! lol I hate shaving thus I love winter..nuf said! Have a nice weekend
ReplyDeleteYou are too sweet! Thank you for featuring me yet again! :) Need a button? I can totally make you one. A whole new blog design for free, if you would like. It won't be as blogfabulous as professionals but I can try. I designed my own. ;) Let me know if you are interested.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the explanation Beth!
ReplyDeleteI'll let you know Brittany! How did you learn how to do it? Did you teach yourself?