I'm in a funk today. I'm not sure why. I'm going to blame it on the sugar I consumed earlier today at the kids' school carnival. I'm tired and just feeling...blah...though I'm not really sure if you can constitute blah as a feeling. Do you know what I mean though? That casual 'I don't care about anything' attitude...it came on quickly and I have been down for the count the rest of the day. It doesn't help that my neck is killing me and I can't find any relief for it. I think the frustration of living in constant pain is taking its toll on me. I'm contemplating Chinese acupuncture. At this point, I'll try anything. The neurologist told me that he wasn't sure if the degenerated discs in my neck were the cause of the pain and they never could really figure out why it hurt...and so I guess they gave up. The last time I saw the neurologist he wanted to put me on Amitriptyline. He said that it is used to treat depression but that it can also be used to treat chronic pain. Call me crazy (please don't!) but it just doesn't seem like a good idea to take another anti-depressant to control pain when I am already taking one to control depression. Beyond that, I find it hard to believe that an anti-depressant will take my pain away. It's not all in my head...there is real, physical pain and an anti-depressant isn't going to magically take it all away. If Dolotin administered through an IV in the ER didn't completely relieve the pain, a pill not meant just for pain relief is not going to help. I'm really down and frustrated right now. I am so tired of living in pain. Most days it isn't debilitating. This weekend however it has been intense almost to the point of unbearable, though fortunately not enough so to warrant a trip to the ER.
I've been playing with Gimp the last couple of days. It is a free program that allows you to do...well...I have no idea what the possibilities are. I just know that it is free and it is difficult to use! ;-) I have managed to do a couple of things in it now though. Unfortunately, I can't remember how to do it again! So, without further delay, this is my own 'button' I designed using Gimp. I don't know if this will be the final product. But seeing everyone else with buttons on their blogs made me a little jealous! Let me know what you think, good or bad. As I said, it's not necessarily a final product. Oh and I don't know if you noticed or not, but I updated my blog title-it needed to be more concise, yet still carry the same meaning. I'm pleased with it. OK, seriously (I got a little distracted)...here it is:
So I need to know:
1. Is it too much on the eyes?
2. Do you like the font?
3. Is my first attempt completely horrible? ;-)
Now that I am looking at it again, hours later, I just realized it won't 'match' my current blog background. So I am not set on this color scheme, but I do really like the font, so don't hate too much on that part in particular.
OK...ready to voice your opinion? GO!
I like it but maybe that is because I am very impressed that you figured out Gimp! I've tried it and failed miserably. Maybe I need lessons from you?!
ReplyDeleteSorry your day has been so blah. Praying you find an end to the pain!
Thanks! Gimp wasn't easy and I was very frustrated by the time I finished. My husband was having to Google stuff and help me and it wasn't my favorite experience...why didn't I write down what I was doing? Note to self: take better notes next time.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to hear about your neck. I've heard good things about acupuncture....maybe it's worth a try?
ReplyDeleteCute button and that font is really cute.
I'm your latest follower from Friday Follow...and I like it.
ReplyDeleteHope you'll follow me at www.mrthompsonandme.blogspot.com
Good job on the button! Mine doesn't match my blog either, oh well...I could do another one, but the one I have took quite a while, I used photoshop.com. nice to meet you!
ReplyDeleteStopping by late from Ann's VGNO! Come over & check out my latest creation, a mini album from local Portland area company Punky Sprouts. I'm very excited to share them with all the papercrafters out there & I'm sure even those who aren't will enjoy checking it out.