I hope that word isn't copyrighted. In my brief study, "Taggies" or tag blankets are given to babies as a security blanket, but with a little 'flair' to them. Babies typically love clothing labels, tags, satin. The feel of them is for whatever reason comforting to them. So these little blankets were designed with that in mind. They are supposed to be tactile (perceptible to the sense of touch; tangible) and visually stimulating. Here is a picture of one that I found online:

Here is my first attempt. The material was SO cute I couldn't pass it up. I hadn't gone to the store necessarily intending to purchase material and make one. I had only gone with my friend to get ribbon, since Hobby Lobby had it for 50% off. But this material just caught my eye, and I am a bit of an addict when it comes to fabrics. Anyway, let me know what you think.
Brandi, thanks for the idea!

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