We LOVE the Drury Inn. With the exception of being out of biscuits and gravy in Ohio over spring break (which upset Kris more than me), we have never had a bad experience at the Drury. In fact, sometimes when we are fortunate enough to get away for a night, even in St. Louis, we go to the Drury. There is a story behind how we wound up falling in love with the Drury, but now is not the time. Now is the time for the culmination of the evening.
It was a long day in the car. We left around 10:30am and got to the hotel at 9:12pm. Yes, 9:12. The GPS SAID 9:10, but they were wrong. Besides my usual distrust, after the GPS/Florida Turnpike Conspiracy, I don't believe a word that the GPS says. Two minutes. It was off by two minutes. Technology has come so far...it should be able to detect the exact moment, down to the second, that I will arrive somewhere. (If you're new to my blog or don't know me well, insert sarcasm here).
So anyway...let's get on with the story. We got checked in and went up to our room. It smelled horrible! If you smoke, you smoke. That's your prerogative. I didn't know until just now that it was spelled with that extra 'r' in it. Good to know for my next spelling bee. So, back to the smoking issue. Kris and I do not smoke and we do not make it a habit to sleep in rooms with people who do, or in this case, did. It was very obvious that it was a smoking room, even though we had requested a non-smoking room. We love Drury so much that we don't care that they put us in a smoking room. What we care about is that they fix whatever problem we have. And fix our problems they do.
We called down to the front desk and told them that we would like to be put in a non-smoking room. There are a lot of people here, and so they didn't have any regular rooms to give us. We always get a king size bed when we go to the Drury, and when they asked if we were sure we wanted a king (bed, not person), Kris told them yes. The only thing they could give us that was non-smoking and had a king size bed was a King Conference. Now we've stayed in a lot of different rooms at the Drury. King size rooms, King size suites, room with 2 double beds. I have never before stayed in or seen a King Conference. I was joking around with Kris about staying in a conference room...you know the big ones at hotels where there are a lot of tables set up and there is a little table with cups and ice water? So I'm picturing that kind of room, with a king size bed placed somewhere in it.
Well, I wasn't far off, though I have to say I was completely shocked when I saw the room. Kris and I just laughed and laughed. And of course, I HAD to take pictures to show you. We have had a great week and been able to share some really funny and memorable experiences together. Tonight was just another to add to the list. Check out what our hotel room looks like.
Hey, we have 8 extra seats. Anyone want to drive to Atlanta, GA for a conference? Ha ha...don't really. We won't open the door for you! Enjoy the pictures.

Ok, for some reason I am with you and find this hilarious!! I seriously laughed for about a minute. :-) (Anisha)